Mamba placed 3rd at the FH Championships with 95pts.
April 2019 (EOW)
EMamba Pedigree Database
2017 Working Dog Championships & FH Championship
3rd Place with a score of 95pts
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Buffalo, NY
2016 United Schutzhund Clubs of America Working Dog Championships & FH Championship
USA Judge Michael Caputo, FH1 80pts
June 12 2016 FH2 title 86pts, SV Helmut Schilpp
Hosted by Metro Detroit Schuzhund Club in Milan, MI
April 16, 2016
Lehigh Valley Performance K9s in Walnutport PA
Judge Louis Vanderpoel
FH title 98pts V
October 16-17, 2015
2015 American Working Malinois Association IPO Championships
IPO3 90-76-86A Rated, FCI Judge Raino Fluegge(Obedience & Protection) and Tracking FCI Judge Cynthia LaPointe
Hosted by Motor City Working Dog Club, Bowling Green KY
September 13-14 2014
Metro Detroit Schutzhund Club in Milan, MI
IPO2 95-82-83 under FCI Judge Kristiaan DeSweemer
November 15-17 2013
AWMA IPO Nationals, St Anne, Illinois
IPO 1 99-85-89 “A” rated
Hosted by Midwest Working Dog Association & Sweetcorn Kennels. Under Judges Harmut Beckman DVG (Obedience & Protection) and FCI Judge Kristiann Desweemer
October 1, 2011
North Jersey Schutzhund & Police Association
Sondra and Mamba earn their BH under SV Judge Reinholt Walter